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-azlin -nina -yati

-farlina -fid -fiqz -huda -liyana -suhaila -zaki

-aisyah -amalina -bong -elfaine -f.diey -feika -huda -khairani -nadiarina -nurul -shahneeza

-athifah -azraie -ewanny -faizal -fityan ghufran -hamzah -hasanah -hayati -junn -lina -marliyana -maryam -mohksin -nabila -nabuelah -nadhirah -nadia -nazratul nadiah -nisa -nurulashikin -rabeetah -raudah -shamsydar -shazana -site -syamsiah -tifa -zee

-aza -azrina -eliza -jaslyn -kailin -nurul -serene -shahidah -shawn -yani -zohra -zulazmie

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
stand up with you forever

okay. it has been a gazillion years that im here in blogger. soooo, I HAVE MOVED here!

its easier to post pictures there. and the mode is much much simpler. its idiot proof! haa.

this blog will be kept as it is because it has too many memorise for me to delete.

soooo, BYE blogger. HELLO tumblr!

Sunday, September 13, 2009
kerna aku tak seperti dulu.

this is soo basi alrdy. but i think im liking it. the lyrics is like woah! i just realised it la thats why.


i am starting to believe in the power of attraction. while i was at the ggc, one of the senior sister said "if you have the thing that you want in a person, pictured vividly in your mind and you keep on picturing it, sooner or later, you'll attract these sort of people who hav the things that you want."

i did an experiment. i had a few things in mind that i want. and it did happen, although some might take abit of time. it was either i bump into the person somewhere or we somehow communicated through some modes to settle some things. coincidence? i doubt it much. i think its the power of attraction; a powerful thing indeed.

tonight, im going to bed thinking and missing you!

on another note, time changes people. time changes things. time changes relationships. time changes the way you look at things. time changes the way you treat others. time changes humans.

on another another note, ramadan is leaving and i MUST stop thinking of world-ly things. stop liyana stopppppp!

Friday, September 11, 2009
to never let it be

ramadan has been great. although it can always be better.
i will devote my last 10 days in trying to be sin-free [hahahah]
im giving the qiyam session tonight with the girls a miss because i need to be in sch to settle some things tml. but yet, im wide awake here!

i have quite a few things to update on but macam mls nk type. so another day la ehk.
my last weekend before raye is fully packed already. yet i still have to squeeze in time to bake!

yani's cming home next week! that should sound exciting enough. so at least we can go jalan raye one of the days that nurul is not working and i end sch early. 3 houses is not that tough anw. so dear yani, pick your date!

okay daa, im missing some people!

l i y a n a*

Thursday, September 03, 2009
idiotic brother

this is something very small. but i am sooo pissed.

i kept the marks and spencer chocolate biscuit that i got frm my kid in the fridge. and this stupid brother of mine called me yest asking if he can have the toblerone. so i said yes, i put that on the shelf so anyone who wants it can have it la kan.

but this one, i purposely kept it! so that i can share it when we iftar together. and today, its is gone!
this stupid brother took it and finish up ALL! not even a single piece left. NOTHING IS LEFT!

i am pissed. pissed. pissed.

Sunday, August 30, 2009
is ramadan a survival or revival?

i had a superly duperly great weekend. being in the company of only girls is bliss. i miss being ard ONLY girls. and GIRLS GO CAMPING rocks!

initially it was scary coz i dont know what to expect and stuff. but once we [anisah and i] were at saff cntr on day zero, the image of what to expect seem a little clearer. and there's alot of familiar faces! so i cld still feel at home.

have i mentioned before that dairy farm is a nice place! *nudge a nature freak; nurul huda* though it might be a little ulu to get in, but it is sure satisfying once you're in. it is probably the part of sg that you've nvr seen. the natural rock wall is woahhh nice.

if there is one thing that i would want to share is that no matter how fearful or scared you are of the unknown possibilities, if you have faith and leave things in Allah's hands, insyaAllah every will fall into place perfectly. it's so much easier to just go with the flow and let Him decide what is the best for you. it is more satisfying that way. :)

2 fulfilling weeks gone. one more weekend of camp, hopefully it'd be as satisfying or more than the ferst 2 weekends of mine.

on a totally unrealated to life of death note, i have no decided what i want to wear for the teachers day dinner tml. the theme is movie night. oh mannn, mcm susah gituuu. i am too tired to raid my wardrobe. haiyooooo.

anther random note, AUGUST IS ENDING!!! and september is coming. september is usually a good month for me. i rarely hav internal affairs with self. hopefully it stays that way.

l i y a n a*

Friday, August 28, 2009
mungkin kah

liyana is off for a camp again this weekend!
im loving ramadans and camps. sungguh refreshing.
although the aftermath of body stress that i get will last for weeks, i am still loving it.
i will push myself coz this is good.
i know why im here.
i know why im doing this.
and i am loving it irregardless of how many times im repeating the same thing over and over.

i am picking up a new skill. or shall i say im venturing in into another scope other den dealing with papers. its smth exciting, i think.

so anyway, although august is a bad month, ramadan is a superb one. hee.

oh oh anw, a few days ago i heard of a tragic death. a family fren's son died in a motor accident. it was in the wee hours of the morning ar. andddd, its not 1 victim, its 2! the rider is the son and the passenger is the bestfriend. both of them pass away on the spot, innalillah.
what is tragic to me is that they are bestfriends! i dont want to imagine dying with my bestfriend. not that its a bad thing but the thought of it is super scary. super super super scary.

so anw, dear riders out there, ride safely! life is too precious to risk it.

l i y a n a*